We have 2 litters planned for 2025.
The first will be out of Wind Mtn’s Foot Loose and Fancy Free “Rizzo” and
GCH Morgun’s Sterling Edition of Shadywood TKI “Garth”
The second will be out of “Raven” CH Wind Mtn Tequila Valkyrie
and “Oakley” AFC Oakley Grace’s Sucker for Chukar TKI
If you are interested in getting on the waiting list please submit a purchase application. Use the link at the bottom of the page.
If you are looking mainly for a pet/family companion or an older dog please look into getting a dog from Brittany rescue. Here are the links to the rescue organizations.
National Brittany Rescue www.nbran.org
American Brittany Rescue americanbrittanyrescue.org
Oregon Brittany Rescue www.facebook.com/oregonbrittanyrescue